1) Choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting and setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation and what is communicated to the audience.


 In this image the colours are more darker other than the blue on the left.
The red shows danger,hazard and evil.The red symbolises the "bad" side and the blue symbolises the "good" side.And eleven (The character on the right) looks intimidated by the monster on the right and because it is a very intense picture that is why those colours have been picked.


In this image we cant really  see the costume because of the dark colour scheme.
But if you look at the characters at the back there wearing dark clothing other than the person at the back of the picture who is wearing a white t shirt.And we can see the monster who isn't wearing any costume but if you were to describe his skin it would me red/brown and either soft and squishy or wrinkly and hard.The monster also has blue eyes which could mean that he used to be a good person but he turned evil because blue represents joy happiness but it can also represent a cold death.


The setting is very dark and gloomy because in the picture we see it isn't a happy moment its is more of a sad moment because eleven looks very angry at the monster and most likely the people at the back are helping eleven fight the monster there is only a little bit of blue which could represent good.


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