Mc Donald advert big mac

 Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.


Preferred Reading:

The McDonald's Big Mac advert employs a preferred reading strategy by showcasing the iconic burger as a delicious and satisfying meal choice. Through enticing visuals and expertly edited shots, the ad presents the Big Mac as a mouthwatering combination of quality ingredients. The vibrant colors, close-ups of fresh lettuce and juicy beef patties, and the perfectly stacked layers evoke a sense of indulgence and culinary pleasure. The upbeat music and cheerful atmosphere further enhance the positive message, encouraging viewers to associate McDonald's with a pleasurable dining experience. Additionally, the inclusion of diverse and happy customers suggests that the Big Mac is a universally loved choice, appealing to a wide range of tastes and preferences.

Negotiated Reading:

While the preferred reading is evident, a negotiated reading acknowledges that the advert is a carefully constructed marketing tool. It acknowledges that the images presented are carefully curated to present the product in the best possible light. Viewers may recognize that the actual product may vary from what is depicted in the ad, as fast food often does. Furthermore, individuals with dietary restrictions or health-conscious consumers may view the Big Mac with more caution, considering factors like calorie content and nutritional value.

Oppositional Reading:

An oppositional reading might see the McDonald's Big Mac advert as a symbol of corporate excess and unhealthy eating habits. Critics may argue that the ad perpetuates a culture of fast food consumption, which has been linked to health issues such as obesity and heart disease. Additionally, it may be seen as contributing to environmental concerns due to the production and disposal of packaging. This reading challenges the advert's intended message, highlighting the potential negative consequences associated with indulging in such a product. It calls attention to the societal implications of promoting fast food as an everyday meal choice.


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